Gentle Giant (2024)
Gentle Giant (2024)

A few months ago I was going through my dad's old vinyl records collection and I discovered a bunch of them from an 70s band called Gentle Giant.
All of a sudden it hit me and I remembered that it was one of his favorite bands (beside The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Jethro Tull). The logo of the band was the face of a blue eyed giant holding in his hands all the members of the band.

During that moment I was collaborating with my friend Joaquín Palacios in another project and I asked him if he would sculpt for me the head of the gentle giant so I would paint it to honor the memory of my father, who passed away in January 2021 due to covid.
Joaquín accepted and he did an amazing job!

During the last few days I have enjoyed every single brushstrokes while listening to the music that my father used to love. And I finished the paintjob on the day of his 76th birthday.
This is my little tribute to one of the two people that made me who I am.
I could not be pruder of who he was and what he did.

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